Its height grows up to 4–ft and spreads. Persischer Flieder. Kategorien: Historischer Flieder, Zwergflieder. Syringa persica. Der persische Flieder umgibt sich Mitte Mai mit zauberhaften . Größere Pflanzen sind ausreichend frosthart.
Garten Schlüter. Benachrichtigen Sie mich, sobald der . Leaves opposite, simple,. It blooms purple-pink and has many individual flowers at the end of the shoots.
It tends to have a strong formation of . Rate this product. Out of stock for delivery. Der weiße persische Flieder bildet Mitte Mai . Clarke in Hook. Please take the time now to save any information you may want to keep.
Order fro49. Its leaves are narrow and its flowers are delicate, but they smell delicious. Cutleaf lilac Cut-leaf lilac, including varieties and pruning . Bestellen Sie Pflanzen von schweizer Qualität und Baumschulen, Seit Jahren zu . Click here to find out more.
A bushy, rounded shrub with long, slender branches. The leaves are generally lance-shaped and dark green. Deciduous shrub. Compact habit with upright, slightly arching branching clad with fark green leaves.
Sweetly-fragrant, pale . Deels feathered lilac with a good autumn colour. The size after years is 2cm. The flower colour is lilac. This plant is completely hardy. Die Blütenrispen bieten im.
Artikelnummer: syper. Small growing, masses of fragrant flowers and readily available for sale. In more languages. Traditional Chinese. Category: information only not used for fragrances or flavors.
No label defined. Recommendation for syringa persica extract usage levels up to: not for fragrance use.