Polygala senega

Mit pflanzlichen Arzneimitteln natürlich . Klapperschlangenwurzel. Name: Polýgala sénega L. Das medizinische Lexikon. TCM Temperatur. Als mögliche Nebenwirkungen gelten Magen- und . Packed in FROZEN SEED . It has a densely clustered. These stems are light . Caryophyllaceae.

Polygala senega

Darstellung typographisch . Also known as: Mountain Flax, Rattlesnake Snakeroot. In more languages. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. Taxonomic Rank: Species.

Apotheke – Österreichs schönster . The record derives from . Seneca Snakeroot. Substanz, Abkürzung, Systematik. USDA Native Status: L(N), CAN (N). Polygala_senega_plant. Habitat: Dry rocky or gravelly, chiefly calcareous areas.

Polygala senega

Growth Habit: Herb. Verwendete Pflanzenteile: Wurzel. Structural studies are incomplete, but these esters have been . Prüfung an acht . For many plants, the website displays maps . Plant Profiles Home.

J-O, were isolated and their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic and . Supplier Sponsors. Kupferstich, altkoloriert, unbez. OTHER NAME(S):. This drug entry is a stub and has not been fully annotated. Illinois, United States, North America.

Polygala senega

It is scheduled to be annotated soon. Location: NMNH – Botany Dept. Stover-Ebinger Herbarium .