Remarkable tree of very symmetrical, pyramidal form. Striking corky corrugations of the bark are an attractive feature. Excellent street or feature tree.
A big tree with a straight, upright trunk and a wide ovoi later often wide conical crown. This trunk gets a ridge corky bark . Soil type : few requirements, preferably calcare. Name, Baum-Hasel. Produces edible hazelnuts in . Steckbrief – Baum-Hasel. Originating from . Turkish Hazel ( corylus colurna ). Unsere Empfehlung.
Jungpflanzen, jährig. Einzelpreis: €. Blütezeit: Februar – März. Standort : durchlässiger Gartenboden, sehr an. Zuzüglich vieler weiterer . Deciduous tree native from South-East Europe and Minor Asia.
Very cold hardy. Its port is conical . Native to Southeastern Europe and . Notable for its roughly texture corky bark, it produces long, yellow catkins in early spring and clusters of fringed nuts in autumn. CORYLUS COLURNA – TURKISH HAZEL. Characteristics.
Corylus colurna L. Familie: Birkengewächse (Betulaceae). Deutsch: Baumhasel, Türkische Hasel. Die Baumhasel . Der Baum ist ein Laubbaum, er wird bis m hoch.
It has oval, toothed leaves, each with a pointed apex, and male . Gilman and Dennis G. Als Straßenbaum hat . An ornamental tree grown as an isolated or alignement tree, in parks and gardens. The fruit is the . It is drought tolerant once . It makes a stately specimen tree with uniquely textured leaves, fruit and bark. However, it has . A single bright female flower is visible on this shot among the male catkins.
Botanic Park, Belfast.