A vigorous growing begonia which produces rows of vivid red-pink, funnel- shaped flowers on strong, arching stems. An excellent choice for hanging baskets . Ihre dunkelgrünen Blätter sind lanzettlich. Begonia boliviensis. Back to overview.
Image Unavailable. Click to open expanded . Does not like wet feet and even tolerates dry spells, but does not like intense heat. Too much sun fades the leaves. Seem to appreciate regular low dose fertilizer, . Long arching stems festooned with brilliant orange pendant flowers. Most plants need bright, indirect light, well-drained soil, at least.
They do best in . Find your zone? More compact (less pendulous) but more floriferous. Bossa Nova will flower from early spring to the early frosts.
Possibly the most vigorous and best performing of. Knollenbegonie. In frost-free areas, grow in containers in loam-base neutral to acid compost or in the ground in fertile, well-draine neutral to acid soil in partial shade . My Beautiful begonia boliviensis. How do I save it from the Wisconsin winter? No room to bring it inside as a house plant.
Color: Night Fever Papaya. Product: Stick-in labels Size: 117. Come and see us! Grows in Part Sun to Light Shade. Hardiness zone 7b . It was named and . Tipp: Achten Sie darauf, dass überschüssiges Wasser gut abfließen kann, Staunässe sollte unbedingt vermieden werden.
This was originally found in the Andes . Simply cut the . All rights reserved. Additional info. In unserer Gärtnerei in Schallstadt gewachsen. Breeder: Beekenkamp. Die unzähligen . View as Grid List.
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