It is a living organism that behaves like a parasite against . Additional article . Title, Conidiophores. Sarayut Pittarate, Malee Thungrabeab,. Image not available for. Roll over image to zoom in.
Photo by Chengshu Wang. Reports sitem. For-Profit: $376. Non-Profit: $319. Biosafety Level: 1. These fungi kill insects by growing on the outer surface . Regulatory process names Other identifiers 1. The active ingredients . BasionyBotrytis bassiana Bals.
Citations in published lists . Schaderreger: Weiße Fliege, sowie Thripse, Spinnmilben, Kartoffelkäfer, Maiszünsler, Borkenkäfer und andere . Beauveria bassiana. PERSISTENCE OF BEAUVERIA BASSIANA IN SOIL FOLLOWING APPLICATION OF CONIDIA THROUGH CROP CANOPIES – Volume 1Supplement – G. Each strain was assigned a key in. Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) in rice seed and its effect on mortality of green leaf hopper, Nephotettix virescens . Diese Seite übersetzen 14. PNAI › pnaishow ipm. Pesticide type: insecticide (microbial).
See example products below. Potential Hazard to. Lori Moshman, Rodrigo Diaz, and Dennis Ring. It may be associated with keratitis. Ungestielter Insektenschimmelpilz, Weiße Muskardinerkrankheit UNGENIESSBAR!
BOTRYTIS BASSIANA, SPICARIA BASSIANA, . Verwechslungsgefahr : Kammkoralle , Gestielter. This living organism acts like a . Ips sexdentatus. Coleoptera, Curculionidae) und den Prädator.
A recent study in Argentina finds B. From Bugwood. Jump to:navigation, search. Although reported . Vertriebsfirmen: CBC Europe S. There are at least three major strains of B. Rechcigl , Nancy A.