Deutzia yuki cherry blossom

Deutzia yuki cherry blossom

Deutzia Yuki Cherry Blossom. Das sommergrüne Blattwerk . Rosa Zwergdeutzie. Etikett NEU Biene . Blütezeit: April – Mai. Lesen Sie die detaillierte Beschreibung.

Deutzia yuki cherry blossom

Doch längst ist der Maiblumenstrauch auch aus heimischen Gärten nicht mehr wegzudenken. Pflanzabstand ca. Schön eigenständig oder als Bodendecker. Der Strauch kann bis Meter hoch werden. When the garden cools down in fall, the leaves add another.

Flowering best in full sun, it. Proven Winners – Close-up Proven Winners . Perfectly pretty pink flowers . Enjoy this petite beauty in your landscape. Great for mass plantings on a . A shower of elegant pink flowers creates a carpet of color.

Fragrant, cherry blossom flowers are creamy white brushed with magenta markings on the outer surface of the delicate petals, illuminating dark green foliage in . Worth the ten years of development by Dr. This spring-flowering beauty produces a . Masses of pink-and-white bloom clusters dot this dwarf shrub in spring, followed by fall foliage color changes. Easy to grow, long-live and drought tolerant, it is . Reference: very compact, long blooming pink flowering. Nicht mehr lieferbar. Swipe to View More.

Madagascar Jasmine (Stephanotis) is a really tough, profusely and early flowering, ornamental shrub. The pretty pink flowers appear early in the spring, the . Order or Quote. Height: inches.

Deutzia yuki cherry blossom

Pink flowering nikko-type deutzia. The foliage turns into an attractive burgundy red colour in autumn. It can tolerate full to part sun. Attracts hummingbirds and is deer resistant.

Elegant pink, bell-like blooms cover the whole plant from mid to late spring. Dark green foliage that turns a . Standort, Sonne . Wuchshöhe, bis cm. It took ten years but we now have the first ever Nikko-type deutzia with pink flowers. Quantity discounts available. Additional information.

Deutzia yuki cherry blossom

This shrub does best in full sun to partial shade. It is very adaptable to both dry and moist growing.